Logic in the Elementary Years


I was very curious of your expert opinion about Dr. Craig’s book [Learning Logic] since I would like to prepare my 9 yo and myself for this topic as it is a very big unknown to us. If you are familiar with this book, any feedback that you have about it or logic in the elementary years would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your kind consideration to this inquiry and may God bless all you endeavors in bringing about His Kingdom now.


I am not familiar with Dr. Craig’s book, but I just read through as much of it as Amazon.com lets you see. It looks like a clear, basic introduction to some of the fundamental rules of formal logic, all of which I present in my Intermediate Logic text. If you really want to give your child a preview of the rules of logic before seeing them in detail, it looks like it could be helpful. I would suggest it for 10- to 11-year-olds who plan to study logic the next year, but who may be intimidated when they first see it in detail. Dr. Craig wrote it to teach his own children, so that gives it credibility in my eyes.
To balance this, however, I have often said that the best preparation for the study of logic is the study of truth. Most children don’t need to experience much pre-logic, meaning simplified versions of formal logic such as what Dr. Craig is providing this book. Rather, they would do well just to concentrate on learning other topics common to upper elementary (Latin, literature, arithmetic/pre-algebra), as these provide plenty of material to prepare their minds for the study of formal logic around the ages of 12-14.


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