Tag Archives: Classical Conversations

Logic Video Session Info

If you are using the Introductory or Intermediate Logic videos to teach your students, you may want to know the duration of the sessions. That information is now available on this printable document: Video Session durations.

Here are some quick facts:

Introductory Logic Videos
Total duration 10 hrs, 52 min, 33 sec.
Average session 13 min, 7 sec. (excluding the test and optional sessions)
Longest session 33 min, 21 sec.
Shortest session 5 min, 33 sec.
Total number of sessions 45.

Intermediate Logic Videos
Total duration 12 hrs, 30 min, 42 sec.
Average session 14 min, 14 sec. (excluding the test sessions)
Longest session 49 min, 54 sec.
Shortest session 4 min, 35 sec.
Total number of sessions 51.

You’re welcome.

Audit Intermediate Logic

Would you like to be a fly on the wall in my logic class? Want to improve your understanding and/or teaching of logic by watching me teach and interact with my students, discussing the lesson after the class, and having the recorded class sessions available? If so, click HERE to audit Intermediate Logic for the 2017 school year!

What’s included for Auditors? First, you have access to all the live classes. During the discussion, you will not be called upon as I do with my regular students. You are free to watch in the background by muting your mic and camera, but you also have the option of appearing to ask a question or make a comment if you’d like.

After the regular class time has ended, students leave the virtual classroom while auditors are invited to stick around for a few minutes to ask “Teacher Questions”! This is when you would have me all to yourselves as teachers. Turn on your webcams and mics, and discuss the lesson, teaching logic in general, or whatever questions you might have.

We will meet together live for online recitations Monday/Thursday from 8:00-9:30 AM (PST), or Tuesday/Friday from 8:00-9:30 AM (PST). The spring semester starts January 5/6, 2017, and goes to May 18/19, with a Winter Break in mid-February and an Easter Break in mid-April.

I hope to see you there!

I Know London is the Capital of France

I teach logic online. In addition to my regular logic students I have several Classical Conversations tutors who audit my logic course. After I finish the lesson and my students leave, the auditors join the class live, turning on camera and mic, and we discuss the lesson. I appreciate these discussions, because I often learn as much from them as they do from me. Continue reading I Know London is the Capital of France

Unit Four!

So, you have entered Unit 4! In this unit, you will be applying many of the tools you have learned up to this point to real-life arguments in written texts, texts that present what I call “chains of reasoning.”

This is a tough section, because we are no longer working with artificial arguments meant to teach the tools, but arguments that have been written in actual books from men like the philosopher Boethius, the Apostle Paul, Augustine, Martin Luther, and others.

Here are a few things you will want to note from the DVD for this lesson.

  1. This is a longer video, almost 50 minutes. Go get some popcorn.
  2.  I help you through the first two exercises, and work all the way through Ex. 28c. You’re welcome.
  3. Note that on the video, just before the 4 minute mark, I misspoke. I should have said that P ⊃ Q is equivalent to ~Q ⊃ ~P, but I accidentally omit the “not” (what appears on the screen is correct).
  4. Watch for the clip from the movie “Get Smart” at the very end. The screen will go dark for a moment; don’t let that fool you!